Southern Virginia Produce Processing Facility Project – Buyer Survey
The Brunswick County Industrial Development Association (IDA), in cooperation with Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE), is planning the development of a produce processing facility in the town of Lawrenceville. The project will assess supply and demand and will facilitate linking producers with buyers. The project will benefit local producers by providing a facility for cold storage and value-added processing and will benefit buyers by providing a consistent source of quality produce and value-added products. Goals include increasing the amount of produce purchased and consumed locally (within a multi-county region). To move forward with this project, we need input from potential buyers. Please complete this brief survey and return to Cynthia Gregg, Brunswick County VCE. Your insights are greatly appreciated.
To download, right click this link and select Save As: Download Survey
Mail: Cynthia Gregg, 100 Tobacco St, Lawrenceville, VA 23868