Open for Business, Vision 2035
Brunswick County Industrial Development Authority (IDA) plans to strategically pursue new businesses and industries with the vision of having them locate in the County thus encouraging the growth of existing businesses while providing local entrepreneurs with guidance and resources for their start-up ventures and creating employment opportunities.
As many of you already have heard Brunswick County is changing. The Brunswick County Board of Supervisors, under the direction of Chairman Barbara Harris, spent a great deal of time in 2017 to envision the future and to develop a comprehensive plan to move forward. Mrs. Harris realized that without Vision there is no way to see the possibilities available to us in the future. Guided by this vision the Board is moving forward to put the pieces in place to make Vision 2035 a reality.
The IDA Board of Directors is made up of citizens from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Each member brings his or her own individual perspective to our work. Our board has embraced Vision 2035 not only with our words but also with our actions. Committees have been formed, communication has been improved and finances and procedures are being reviewed. We are pledged to work side by side with Carthin Currin, Directoår of Economic Development and the County to find good business partners and to enhance and encourage those that are already here.
County government works for you. We invite public comment and interaction. You have a say and your opinions matter. You also have a responsibility to improve our County. Shop local, eat local, brag a lot about all we have. Our local restaurants have great selections. It is very hard work to operate an eating establishment. Trust me I know, I spent 25 years in that business. Encourage and support the folks who have dedicated their time and money to giving you a place to eat. Get your hair done locally, we have high quality beauty shops and barbers. The county has great grocery stores, hardware stores, and some of the best hot dogs and biscuits available anywhere. When you eat and shop locally you encourage other business to come to our County. You help create new jobs. You can help create a climate which will encourage the growth of new business.
As the newly appointed Business Liaison Director of the Brunswick County Industrial Development Authority, I thank you for your time and your help. In the future you will be asked for input, help and guidance to move the Vision forward. The vision will take time, it will take cooperation and of course your prayers are most appreciated.

Michael Dotti
Brunswick County, Va.
IDA Business Liaison Director