IDA Issues Brunswick Correctional Center RFQ
The Brunswick County IDA has issued a Request for Qualifications to find a development consultant to assist in developing plans and obtaining a master developer for the adaptive reuse of the Brunswick Correctional Center that was closed in 2009. This is an important step in efforts to make this property an active contributor to the Brunswick County economy again.
The County Administrator and IDA Executive Director have been working nonstop since March 31, 2010 as part of a team that included local and State elected officials, as well as government senior staff, which was formed to find a way to put the Brunswick Correctional Center property back into use. The Department of Corrections and Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) continue to work in close partnership with the County and IDA to move this project forward.
Board of Supervisors Member Barbara Jarrett Drummond, who has been at the forefront of this issue since the State government made the decision to close the facility, is glad to see this step taken; but very concerned about how our community continues to suffer economically from the closing. She said, “I am very grateful for the working partnership and attempts that have been made by the local and State government leaders to re-use the Brunswick Correctional Center and I hope the effort now underway with the RFQ to redevelop the site into commerce and industry will bring stronger, long-term benefits to the community.”
The RFQ has been structured and advertised in major newspapers to obtain responses from consulting firms with strong experience in the redevelopment of large tract institutional sites. The kind of experience sought is that other localities around the State with similar projects and closed military bases have successfully used.
The Brunswick Correctional Center is located in the Sturgeon Election District so Board of Supervisors Member Marc Finney has kept a close eye on the progress made on this project. He said, “This 760 acres property has the potential to be an economic development spark plug that brings badly needed jobs and tax revenue to our community. I commend the County Administrator and IDA Executive Director for their tireless work and I will continue to support this effort in every way I can.”
The deadline for submitting a response to the RFQ is October 19, 2011 and a final selection process has been outlined to have a consulting firm begin work in late December 2011.