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8-2021 IDA Directors Report

Mike Headshot

Directors Report 8/08/2021

The IDA continues to be very busy. Grant programs and new funding opportunities continue to be coming in almost every day. Both the State and the Federal government are working hard to reopen the economy during the continuing COVID pandemic. We continue to work closely with Southside Planning District and our partners to create an advantage for new and existing businesses.

 I continue to participate with The Small Business Recovery Assistance Fund working group. To date we have helped 10 businesses receive much needed grant money. There have been 12 completed applications and we have spoken to 42 separate businesses. With the latest approval of utility help, the volume of calls has increased significantly. There is still over $350,000 available in the fund and businesses can still apply. We found that the paperwork could be daunting; in answer to this, we have created a Thursday workshop at the IDA office to help with the paperwork. We welcome anyone looking for help or information to please contact us. This help is by appointment.

Supervisor Zubrod and I, along with regional stakeholders met with Congressman Good to discuss internet and specifically Broadband access. Frankly, the issue continues to be the risk/reward for providers to spend the money to make high-speed internet available. I will continue to press the issue at every opportunity.

The four front IDA parking lot lights are repaired. Delay was caused by time required to get the correct bulbs. The new bulbs are LED and should last longer. Painting to follow, still waiting for globe for the one back light. Seven weeks to go.

Grand Openings.

Kindred Transportation                       July 30                       Non-emergency medical transport

Power of One                                      July 31                        Community Services

The IDA did not provide direct assistance to these businesses. However, along with our Local and County partners we continue to create an environment conducive to the growth of existing businesses and the birth of new ones.

Community Development and Support

  • Sponsor for National Night Out
  • Welcoming Gifts and message to the new teachers at BCPS.
  • I spoke at the Opening for Power of One.
  • We provide Space for Community Center Board meetings


I am currently working with nine prospects. These prospects range from small retail operations to very large businesses.  Our biggest issue is available space. As soon as we acquire a building and get it ready, it is utilized. This is a good problem to have, but it is still a problem.   

I encourage private building owners anywhere in the County to contact me. We would love to be of assistance and offer guidance. One upcoming business completed their DEQ applications. Announcements coming.

Grant Writer

I continue to research the Grant Writer position and have applied for a grant that will actually help pay part of the salary. Many grants have an administrative component, which will also help fund the position. We are receiving approximately $4.00 back in grants for every $1.00 we spend on grant writing.


Applied for $100,000 Resurgence Grant-Funding for Creation of Merchants Assistance Program

Awarded $35,000 The Governor’s Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development (AFID) to help with Architectural and Engineering work for Produce Project

Awarded $25,000 Virginia Outdoor Federation Grant to help with Lawrenceville Playground

Awarded $50,000 Brownfield Grant for Sledge & Barkley

Applied for $50,000 Brownfield Grant for 139 Hicks Street (Town & Country)

Applied for $800,000 Tobacco Commission Grant for Project X

Lawrenceville Historic District Update

On August 5, 2021, the Department of Historic resources approved the updated documentation. Buildings built up to 1975 may now qualify for various historic tax credits and other funding sources. This means citizens and businesses in the affected area are eligible for various forms of building relief. We will be providing updated public information and maps on our website. This important project was funded by the IDA Board in an equal financial partnership with Lawrenceville Town Council.


Lawrenceville Historic District (Additional Documentation),

Roughly bounded by West 6th Ave., Maria St., Lawrenceville town line, Rose Cr., and Thomas St.,

Lawrenceville vicinity, AD00000313,